The two greatest symphonic works by Isaac Albéniz and Catalonia i Escenes simfòniques Catalanes have been forget by the discography. The Catalonia versions available in the market are rare, were published more than 20 years ago and becomes from other countries. We don’t have any notices about any version of Escenes simfòniques that preceded this work. There was edited a suite with the orchestral sections from the recently restored opera Pepita Jiménez. This suite closes the selection of symphonic repertoire included in this CD that aims to approach to the public at the genuine symphonic work ofIsaac Albéniz. by www.trito.es

ISAAC ALBÉNIZ [1860-1909]
Orquestra Sinfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya
dir. Jaime martín
Orquestra Sinfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya
dir. Jaime martín
[2010] Tritó / CBR320 / scans