Alfred Schnittke as a composer of film music - that is a fact well known to anyone who has ever been concerned with Alfred Schnittke. However, only very few people are familiar with his actual work in the film music genre. This is all the more surprising since on the one hand, Alfred Schnittke wrote more than 60 film scores during the years between 1961 and 1984, and on the other hand, his poly-stylistic techniques found a nearly perfect equivalent in film. Since Alfred Schnittke suffered from the artistic regimentations like many contemporary composers in the USSR, and his works could often only be performed under difficult circumstances, his work for the film to a large extent contributed to his livelihood. web
Film Music Vol. I
Tracklist 1:
1. Thema - Titelmusik / Title music (2:44)
2. Agitato I - Schlitten / Sledge (3:15)
3. Agitato II - Reise / Trip (4:42)
4. Walzer (Abschied) / Waltz (Farewell) (3:23)
5. Thema und Marsch / Theme and march (2:26)
6. Epilog / Finale (2:08)
Tracks 1–6: Die Geschichte eines Unbekannten Schauspielers / The Story of an Unknown Actor
7. Spaaziergänge der Wawilowa durch die Stadt / Wawilowa’s City Walk (4:24)
8. Hochzeit / Wedding (01:37)
9. Attacke / Attack (3:21)
10. Spiel / Game (4:12)
11. Einzung in die Stadt / Entering the city (2:43)
12. Liebe / Love (3:30)
13. Keller / Cellar (6:15)
14. Regen / Rain (7:40)
15. Traum / Dream (6:25)
16. Wanderung der Verdammten / Trek of the Damned (4:28)
17. Einsicht / Conclusion (2:51)
Tracks 7–17: Die Kommisarin / The Commissar
Film Music Vol. II
Tracklist 2:
1. Titelmusik / Title music (1:41)
2. Intermezzo (1:38)
3. Akrobaten / Acrobats (1:19)
4. Im Krankenhaus / In the hospital (2:35)
5. Walzer / Waltz (1:44)
Tracks 1–5: Clowns und Kinder / Clowns and Children
6. Die Baustelle / The building site (3:43)
7. Kutsche / Carriage (2:37)
8. Fabrik / Factory (3:27)
9. Wowka / Vovka (1:22)
Tracks 6–9: Der Walzer / The Waltz
10. Der Musioker und das Carillon / The musician and the carillon (1:50)
11. Prozession / Procession (1:23)
12. Die Gesichter - Die Flüge - Pyramide / Faces - Flights - Pyramids (13:26)
13. Der Musiker - Das Erwachen / The musician - The awakening (4:07)
Tracks 10–13: Die Glasharmonika / The Glass Harmonica
14. Sotnikows Tod / Sotnikov’s Death (6:56)
15. Auf dem Schlitten / On the sled (4:33)
16. Reue / Remorse (2:46)
Tracks 14–16: Der Aufstieg / The Ascent
Film Music Vol. III
Tracklist 3:
1. In der Fledermaushöhle / In the bat cave (4:48)
2. Absturz der Kutsche - Das Meer / Crash of the carriage - The sea (5:30)
3. Liebeserklärung - Orlandos Thema / Pledge of love - Orlando’s theme (5:22)
4. Katz-und-Maus-Spiel / Cat and mouse game (2:46)
5. Maitanz - Spelunke - Jagd / Mayday dance - Dive bar - Hunt (8:05)
6. Pest / Plague (5:54)
7. Menuett / Minuet (2:05)
8. Tanz - Walzer - Orlandos Tod / Dance - Waltz - Orlando’s death (4:48)
9. Zerstörung des Schlosses / Destruction of the castle (2:32)
10. Finale (3:05)
Tracks 1–10: Dea Märchen der Wanderungen / The Fairytale of the Wanderings
11. Titelmusik / Title music (3:33)
12. Bedrohung und Rettung / Menace and rescue (7:00)
13. Nacht / Night (4:29)
14. Legende / Legend (0:58)
15. Kampf / Fight (4:51)
16. Epilog / Epilogue (3:12)
Tracks 11–16: Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
Film Music Vol. IV
Tracklist 4:
1. Titelmusik - Interview / Title music - Interview (1:42)
2. Griechenland - Das Bad / Greece - The bath (Adagio - Presto) (6:28)
3. Zukunft / Future (Menuett) (1:40)
4. Das Lied des Kaufmanns Kalaschnikow / Merchant Kalaschnikow’s song (Allegro) (5:18)
5. Schlachtenbummler / Away fans (Menuett - Fuge - Allegro) (4:48)
6. Der moderne Sport: Training - Sieger - Finale / Modern sports: training - winner - finale (Allegro molto - Andante) (5:25)
Tracks 1–6: Sport, Sport, Sport
7. Maschas Lied / Mascha’s song (Tempo di Valse) (3:18)
8. Gloria (Maestoso) (3:20)
9. Der Park / The park (Tempo di Valse) (2:12)
10. Pantomime (Allegretto) (3:47)
11. Charleston (1:57)
12. Frühling / Spring (2:56)
13. Walzer / Waltz (Moderato) (2:03)
14. Verzweiflung / Despair (Andante) (2:24)
15. Finale (3:39)
Tracks 7–15: Die Abenteuer eines Zahnarztes / The Adventures of a Dentist
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